
Announcing Web Push Support in React SDK

Announcing Web Push Support in React SDK

Announcing Web Push Support in React SDK

Nov 20, 2024

Web Push or Browser Push Notifications are now supported in our latest React SDK version. Previously, they were only supported in the Vanilla JavaScript library.

We’re excited to announce an important update for developers using our notification service! Web push notifications are now fully supported in our React SDK, making it easier than ever to deliver real-time, engaging updates directly to your users' desktop and mobile devices without any changes to your notification service code.

Why This Matters

Web push notifications are native notifications that look like and behave like OS-level notifications, for example, similar to MacOS, iOS, or Windows notifications. They are delivered through your web application into the user browser, even when they have closed your web application. With this update, you can:

  • Reach Users Anytime: Send updates directly to a user’s operating system, even when your app isn’t open.

  • Boost Engagement: Increase user retention with timely, personalized notifications.

  • Streamline Your Workflow: Implement web push notifications effortlessly with our React SDK.

What’s New?

Our React SDK now includes:

  • Web Push Notification Setup: Easily asks for permission to enable push notifications

  • Token Sync: Automatically stores and updates the user's browser information to reach them when necessary

  • Out-of-the-Box Support: Works seamlessly with NotificationAPI’s infrastructure and all modern browsers

  • Customizable Options: Tailor notifications to fit your application’s branding and user preferences

How to Get Started

Getting started is as easy as updating your SDK and following these simple steps:

  1. Enable Web Push Notifications: From our dashboard, enable the web push channel for a notification

  2. React SDK: Integrate the latest version of the NotificationAPI React SDK in your front-end

  3. Start Sending Notifications

  4. Opt-in: Users are automatically displayed an opt-in message to receive notifications on their native OS

We can’t wait to see how you use web push notifications to create meaningful connections with your users. Let us know your thoughts, and feel free to share your feedback as we continue to improve NotificationAPI!