
Detailed comparison with screenshots (2024)

NotificationAPI vs. Novu comparison table


While similar on the surface, the two teams operate on widely different philosophies and are good fits for different types of organizations:

NotificationAPI Logo


Saving Time, Simplifying Architecture

Dedicated support even in the free tier

Comprehensive template editors

Does not require any 3rd-parties

Fully integrated notification system

No complex workflow builder

Minimal open source community

Better for:
NotificationAPI is for small to medium size B2B SaaS companies that want to move fast with their notification project and expect a reliable customer support experience.

Novu Logo


Flexibility, OSS

Free open-core, commercial self-hosted, or cloud option

Strong open source community

A complex workflow builder

Requires an email service, push service, etc.

No visual template editors (raw html)

Weak customer support even with paid versions

Better for:
Novu is for teams that are looking for an open-source and always free notification service; or enterprises that have the time and resources to deploy and maintain Novu in collaboration with an active open source community.


NotificationAPI offers the same price per notification as Novu at $0.001 however, we include 3rd-party notifications in our costs. Novu also offers an open-core version of their software with limited functionality.

NotificationAPI Logo


Starting at $0.001 per notification

Includes email service costs

No need for  sendgrid, mailgun, etc.

Indefinite notification retention and long log retention

Free tier, but no open source

Novu Logo


Starting at $0.001 per notification

Pay for your own email service

Aggressive limits on notification retention, logs retention and API rates

Open source (self hosted) version with less features

Unclear what features are in the open source version

Major Capability Differences

Automations & Workflows

NotificationAPI focuses on simplicity and ease of use, while Novu focuses on flexibility.

NotificationAPI Logo


Batching, digest, scheduling, deduplication, throttling

User Preferences, time-zone aware delivery of digests

No custom workflow builder, delays or conditionals

Novu Logo


Batching, digest, scheduling, idempotent protection

User Preferences

Comprehensive workflow builder that supports delays and some conditions, e.g. send email if in-app is not seen


NotificationAPI offers better log search-ability and longer retention periods.

NotificationAPI Logo


Filtering notifications based on date, user, status, notification type, delivery channel, and custom queries

Logs query API and dashboard

Preview of delivered notifications

60 day retention in free tier

Novu Logo


Filtering notifications based on user and notification type

30 day retenion in paid plans

Email Notifications & Editors

Novu acts as a router between you and your own email service. NotificationAPI is an email service and exposes more email related capabilities.

NotificationAPI Logo


Powerful visual email editor (WYSIWYG)

Does not require a 3rd-party

Novu Logo


Raw HTML email editor

Must configure, pay, and integrate for your own email 3rd-party, e.g. SendGrid

Other Notable Differences

NotificationAPI Logo


Also supports SMS, Mobile Push, Web Push, and Automated Calls without any 3rd-parties

Requires loop to send to multiple users

No dashboard to view end-users

Comprehensive WYSIWYG editors for all channels

Novu Logo


Supports Discord, Slack, MS Teams

Supports SMS, Mobile Push and Web Push through 3rd-parties

Sending to multiple users without loops

Has dashboard to view and search all end-users

Barebones editors


NotificationAPI offers better professional support while Novu is backed by a strong open source community.

NotificationAPI Logo


Chat, Email, Slack, Discord, Video Call

~1 hour response time during business hours (EST)

Uptime: 99.9%

100% up in the last 180 days As of writing

Minimal open source community (SDKs)

Separate regions: US, Canada (EU by request)

Novu Logo


Chat (free), Email (paid)

~2 day response time

Uptime: 99.9%

99.98% up in the last 180 days, caused by 2 incidents As of writing

Strong open source community (core)

Separate regions: US, EU

Closing thoughts by
NotificationAPI's CEO

Kudos to the Novu team for moving the world forward with their open source work! 👏

Their notification workflow builder and OSS community are major forces behind Novu. We don't wish enter OSS, because our customers (SMB SaaS teams) don't want to waste time deploying and maintaining complex infrastructure.

However, we do wish to compete with their notification workflow builder in Q3 of 2024! Looking forward to seeing more green checks on this page soon. 🚀

Sahand Seifi
Founder & CEO | NotificationAPI